May. 17, 2002 - 9:57 a.m.
Blood and Fish Bowls

The Title of this entry sounds so much more interesting than the entry really is.

OK so it looks like I DO die. I don't have a big death scene or anything, you see my body being carried down the hall, but no dramatic trip "Oh my ankle" get eaten by zombies or anything. Although that would be cool! Zombies rock.

I used to play Resident Evil, (the original) and I had nightmares for weeks! Hey if anyone has a copy of the Original Resident Evil for playstation that they don't want anymore, I'll take it off their hands. It seems to be out of print otherwise.

So back to the's a short film, and there are some neat parts in it like the corpse talks and things, and says stuff like "Couldn't HACK it?" when the lead vomits after chopping off the corpses arms...

It's going to be hard. I fall in love with the corpse and throw over my boyfriend for him, and there's one scene where I come out covered in blood and stuff cause i've been groped by the corpse. I guess mawed because he has no arms.

I have blueberry bits in my teeth from the ever so hip and yuppie smoothie I had for breakfast. MMMM.

Song of the Day:

"We're just two lost souls swimmin in a fish bowl..year after year.."

old bitching - random - new bitching

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