May. 21, 2002 - 10:26 a.m.
She was fat and looked bad in blue

It's desparately quiet today at work. The phone has rung 4 times in the last 2 hours. I have some typing to do, but that's boring!

The Xenathon was fun, it was 11 hours of joyous girl-fighting in leather and they were some strange episodes..two of them were musicals, and I discovered that in the end credits of each episode there are always little smartarse comments like in the final episode, when Xena gets dead and stays dead, it says "Xena was permanently harmed during the filming of this blah blah." And various other witty remarks relating to the show just aired. Cute.

I love Sam Raimi.

I ran 7.5 kilometres yesterday. I am such a good girl. It was fun, I went with Chris's parents in the POURING rain. It felt good though. Somehow running in the rain is easier. It's refreshing and keeps you cool. Then we went for a large and greasy breakfast at Hamburger Mary's on Davie street. Nothing like putting the calories you just burned BACK INTO the body where they belong!

I am a little nervous about the filming this weekend. It's my first lead-type character in something on film (well, it's digital, but hey) and I honestly feel scared that I will suck. I can only assume that most actors go through these little self-confidence crises often and that I am normal, but it really does suck to feel like this. I wonder what it would take in my life for me to stop feeling insecure like this and just being able to do things with confidence when it involves being on camera. It would help to not care so much about what I look like too, but I think that will garner much less attention than my actual performance anyway. It's not as if reviewers and critics say her performance was fantastic but she looks like shit in blue, or I couldn't bear to hear her open her mouth, and she's fat. I don't think I've ever read a review like that. I'll just have to do my best and have fun, cause it's a fun script and it's casual and it's a short.

Are you sick of my whining? Sorry..

Song of the day: "Ariel vs Lotus" by Limblifter - - -

"She stole an ariel on her way here. It's twice her age and jet fast.."

I have no idea what that song is about, but I suspect it's cars. Whattagirl. Sounds good and fun tho.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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