May. 31, 2002 - 9:58 a.m.
Poop and the Universe

I've been dreaming about the universe. I've decided that every night before I fall asleep I am going to meditate on the size of the universe. They say that it's difficult for the human mind to grasp the size of a person in relation to a couple of city blocks, let alone the planet, solar system, galaxy or universe. Well, I have gotten as far as a surface comprehension of our galaxy, but seeing our galaxy in relation to other galaxies, and the actual SIZE of the universe, and for that matter, the fact that it exists at all, WHERE IS IT EXISTING? I mean, what is it? Anyway, so I'm working my way out. I am imagining how far it is between our galaxy and the next one. (Ever seen that hubbble photograph of all those galaxies? So many of them, there were like 200 in that photo alone. 200!! 200 milky ways. And all that black nothingness in between. NOTHING! Except the odd black hole and some other weird things we've never heard of before. Dark matter, that sort of thing.

You know on star trek how it's broken it into quadrants? IE Alpha, Gamma, Delta etc? I used to think that was a much larger chunk of space, but it was clear to me one day that they meant just the galaxy, ie, Milky Way. What blew my mind is that traveling at warp 9, which I think is 9 times the speed of light, it still would take 75 years for the ship to get from the Delta quadrant back to the Alpha quadrant.

SO, travelling at 9 times the speed of light (which as you know, a light year is how far a beam of light travels in one year, ie something that is 5 light years long means that it would take a beam of light 5 years to get from one end to the other..HUGE) it would take about 75 years to go from one portion of the Milky Way to the other one across from it. That's not even end to end. I don't know how far that is in numbers, just in image. WOW WOWOWOWOWOWOW. Wrap your head around that stuff for a while.

It makes me cry. When I think about sitting here typing at a computer and I start to think about what's going on around me. I'm an invisible dot on an invisible dot spinning around a not really visible dot in a little more than not really visible disk hanging in the middle of NOTHING next to a bunch more little more than not really visible disks also hanging in the middle of NOTHING and the NOTHING goes on forever and ever and ever and ever and as far as we know, never stops. It's overwhelming.

Found some funny website:
Cheese Monkey and Pants Weevil
Scoop on Poop


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