Jun. 06, 2002 - 2:58 p.m.
I Love My Boyfriend

I've been emailing Karin back and forth today because I am just SO busy here at work and we were discussing the very things that make us sweet on our men.

For example, last night I had been at a Bikram Yoga class, which is yoga in a room that has the heat cranked up to 108F. I wonder what that is in Celsius? Must be about 35 or 40? It seemed not quite as hot as it was in Death Valley, but that was also in blazing sun which makes it hotter. ANYWAY. I had to take the bus home and I neglected to bring some pants and a sweater with me so I was going home in just a shirt and some shorts and I was FREEZING. So I got home and crawled into bed and Chris was ROASTING toasty, as he had already been in bed for a while, and he curled up to me and it was so nice to feel his warm hard body against me and warming me up, while I cooled him down.

Since I've been living with him for a while, I now find that I can't stand to be in bed alone without him. If I ever go to bed before him, (which is practically never) I have to bug him to come to bed with me because I feel weird without him there and can't sleep.

He went away once for two weeks and it took most of the two weeks for me to get used to be alone in bed. He's going away again soon for just over 2 weeks and I don't know what I am going to do other than get used to it!

There are little things about him that make me all mushy inside. The way his lower back curves into his cute round bum, his shoulders are so broad and defined, his tummy is soft, with a six pack underneath his thin little layer of getting older guy chubb. There's the spot next to his pelvic bone below his stomache that's so soft and it's ticklish. MMM.

I think I wanna go home now! I suppose it's not a good idea to be thinking about your partner at work...get all excited and then I get to answer the phone for another hour and a bit feeling like a randy cow.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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