Jul. 10, 2002 - 10:16 a.m.

Be prepared for a rather insipid and new agey entry. It's so soybean of me! But I like to try new things and I like weird and bowel rocking experiences so read on, try it out, or send me a get well card at the asylum...

Have you ever tried astral projection? I'm not entirely convinced of it, which is maybe why it doesn't work for me, but my dad says he's done it so what the hey!

I am able to get to a very interesting point. Perhaps those of you who know a little about biology and medical nature type things, you might be able to explain this for me.

I employ a relaxation and body detachment technique I have learned from various acting classes and yog and things over the years.

I start by lying naked on my bed or on the floor. Apparently your supposed to lie with your head pointing North, but I don't know exactly where that is so I just guess. I don't cover myself with any blankets or anything because it's too hard to disembody when you can feel things touching you from both sides.

I imagine that my body is glowing with a rich warm red colour. I flex and tense as many muscles as I can all at the same time, including my face and my fingers and toes and feet. ALL of them, as tight as I can to ensure that I am not flexing anything afterward. (We are all invariably and unconsciously holding various muscles flexed almost all the time and we never notice it!) So once I'm sure I'm not holding anything, I deep breathe and imaging a blue light touching the tips of my big toes. The blue light slowly moves down my toes and into my feet, relaxing the muscles and joints as it moves. Sort of like being dipped toes first into a blue pool of super relaxation juice. So the light moves all over my feet and up to my ankles, and it turns the warm red light into cool, numbing blue. I let the blue work it's way up to my hips, which are HARD to release, so they take a minute, and my pubic area which is also really hard to release. I find that once the blue light has passed a body part, I can no longer feel it, as though it has been separated from my body.

The same as if I were being dipped in liquid, my fingers get the blue light first, around the same time as my hips do, since that's approx. where they are situated when I am lying down. Which means my chest and upper arms go together etc. This is where it gets weird. When the blue light hits my chest where my lungs and heart are housed, my heart starts to speed up and I can no longer draw deep deep breaths. It's almost like brainless panic, because I am not scared, and I don't FEEL panicky, my body reacts as though I am. My breathing becomes shallow and high. But I keep going. When the light hits my jaw, it's incredible how much tension we really store there. It feels SO good to release all that. When it passes my eyes, I can feel them almost roll back in my head (they're closed).

When the light gets to the top of my head, I really can't feel anything on my body anymore. I'm completely numb. I can't feel my face. All I can feel is what I can only describe as the centre of my mind. Then it gets weirder. I have a falling sensation, like I'm rocking back and forth or swinging it feels really freaky for I don't know HOW long, and then suddenly I notice my breathing again, which is still high and short, and then my body comes back, all tingly and heavy. I still just lie there for a while because I can't even move I'm so relaxed and heavy.

If anything, it's a great relaxation technique, and I invariably sleep like death after a session of this. I feel pretty good and even if I don't go flying all over town in my spiritual manifestation, at least I'm not shitting bricks anymore. OHM peace be with you OHM

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