Jul. 18, 2003 - 9:00 a.m.
Arglebargle McArglebargle

WELL. I took an antidepressant last night, the first one on my return to them and fucked if I didn't sleep for all of 4 hours last night.

I fell asleep around 1, woke up at 4:30 ish, wrote a fevered email to a friend, and laid in bed thinking like zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom until about 6:30 or so then slept until just after 7, when I had to pee, then laid there not wanting to get up.

Awwww shit. I left the heat on high in my room too. I had all the windows open because I require fresh grade A Vancouver air when I sleep, but it was cold and I am shaky when I start up these things, so I needed the cozy. SHIT. Hydro is loving me today.

So anyway, despite having a severe lack of sleep, I am in a fantastic mood. Damn these things work fast! HAHA. It's funny how similar in effect they are to ecstasy. I get a speedy rush, I get an upset tummy, I clench my jaw, I yawn a lot (which is scary because it means there's a shortage of oxygen to my brain, or at least it thinks so) and I sketch out occasionally.

Side effects don't sound too good, but in a way, I dig them. I work out pretty hard when I'm like that so maybe it'll assist in the old fitness quest.

Anyway, I'll do them for a month or two and see if they're helping me balance or not, and if they're not. Then I'll quit it. Lucky me, the only addictions I've ever really had are food and in some people's opinion, sex. Both FAIRLY harmless in that they don't kill brain cells and aren't particulary hard on your body in comparison to some of the other things one could be addicted to.

So I know that I won't become dependent on these long term. If anything I use them as a little reminder of what it's like to be even, and sorta balanced so that I can try to maintain that without the pills. That's what I did last time, but a lot of shit has been going on, a lot of major overhaul in my life, my personality, my views and principles and I'm starting to lose sight again.

2 months. We'll see.

I'm going to watch a play tonight because I'll get paid to do it. My theatre pays us to see shows before the opening night reviews so that we can tell customers how *ahem* great the show is. It's Shirley Valentine and I can't find anyone to go because my girlfriends are all busy and my guy friends, are you kidding? It's the ultimate chick play. Jackrabbit was ALMOST willing to come but I dissuaded him due to the notion that he'd probably HATE it.

OOH another thing about the AD's. When I'm on them I can't drink! Which is great, because I am going to Kelly's (Bacchus) tonight and I always drink there and I don't want to because my body is a temple and I want it to be a SMALL temple and drinking is a waste of money, sometimes and I don't have any to waste at this moment.

OHHH speaking of money, I checked up on the status of my student loan and it says "halted processing application due to restrictions on application" or some dumb shit like that. It's being reviewed by an agent. Fuck. GAWrRR. I wonder if I make too much money right now and they are going to expect me to save up the $10,000 by myself. That would suck, since in order for me to go to school I would have to QUIT this high paying job. Argh.

We'll see what the agent says. Perhaps I can plead and beg.

I'm hungry. Rowr.

Still 157 pounds this morning! YAY. 7 to go.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Phantom of the Opera - Masquerade - (hahaha)
Feels Like:
gurgle grumble - but good mood. very good mood.

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