Feb. 12, 2004 - 2:58 p.m.
More Bad Qualities I have Discovered

I am a jealous, jealous person. I have such a fear of rejection that I imagine it everywhere.

I just read the diary of someone JR has been gushing about lately, the wife of this fella that he knew somehow before. He's developed quite an online friendship with her, which should be fine. I thought that was great.

Then I read it, and she is the most well-spoken, classy, sophisticated writer I've read in a long time. Amazing. Anyway, there are also photos. And when I saw how beautiful her eyes and lips were I crashed. It made me feel ill to think abuot him and her, though it would never happen. She's in another city, she's married, though it might be on the rocks. My heart just wrenched.

I'm still sick in the head and heart it seems. It's going to take forever for me to get over him.

I want to curl into a ball and disappear.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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