May. 28, 2004 - 2:01 p.m.
Bitter Wand

Perhaps my worry that he'll be hurt is unfounded. He's ok with all of this, because it's what I need and he wants me to be ok.

That's kind of him. But I can't help feeling like when he tells me it's good and that it's ok and that he's ok with it, I just feel like I'm being patted on the head again. Aww little Arianna is growing up. Finally to my level.

Like he's the fairy god mother saying "It's time to let go, little girl. Do what is right for you."

Well, I do thank him for being there, as he's promised to be always. That's reassuring. I guess I feel important in another way.

I can't help but feel bitter, nonetheless. I guess that'll pass with time.

On to other things.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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