Oct. 30, 2002 - 8:56 a.m.
Dating Bullshit AGAIN.

AUGHHHHHHGHGHG why can't things be easy ever? Remember Mad Hoodie? Ok so I went out to the opening of a club last night and was outside using the phone trying to call Anna, and who should walk up to the front door, to me? Mad Hoodie. Total surprise. I was a blithering idiot. So the evening was fun, I had a great time chit chatting with everyone from acting class, hanging out, chatting with Mad Hoodie and Anastasia and her hubby etc. Then, as we were all leaving, I decided I was going to see if Mad Hoodie would meet me for tea. Conversation went as follows:

me: "What are you doing tomorrow night?"
him: (shakes head, shrugs)"Nothing, I don't think"
me: "Do you want to meet me for tea after work tomorrow?"
him: "I'm not sure I have to check my schedule".

Then we proceeded to joke about some stuff that we had talked about on the bus the other night, so he knows where I work and what time I'm finished, and I suggested that he think about it and call me and leave a message. He said "call and leave a message?" I said, yeah, cause you won't have my work number, so if you leave a message on my home number I'll get it.

So anyway, now I feel like an idiot and I'm all scared that I've wrecked everything. Maybe he's just being shy, cause he is, but I still feel like an ass, and that I was too forward. AUGH.

Again, why can't this bullshit be easy? This was what I was annoyed with when I realized I was single and would eventually have to start dating again. All this bullshit. All the games, and the playing hard to get and crap. Why can't it be, I like you, you like me, let's hang out! FUCK!!

Alright, I think I am going to try the "Weird Science" thing and just MAKE a guy. What would I wear on my head? A jock strap?

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