Mar. 15, 2004 - 9:03 a.m.
Booga Booga

Had a majorly strange dream. Can't remember all of it, but here's the gist.

We were on the sidewalk and there was this really tall kid, and I mean absurdly tall with long skinny spiderlike arms and legs. He got down on all fours with the limbs bending out to the side like a spider and to get into this VW Bug that his buddies were in, just to freak them out crawled spiderlike, backwards up over the hood of the car and into the sunroof. He was wearing red, with brown hair and grinning madly. Scary.

There was this guy who had sent a personals ad to me. He was black haired, with photos that looked crazy and photoshopped with his mouth all smeared and dragged out and no eyes. Someone else had said that he had messaged them and that his voices told him what this girl was saying about him. In his profile he said he was the anti-christ. Interesting. I got nervous because I was NOT going to reply to his ad, and I really didn't want to get a phone call saying "I know you think I'm a retard". Anway.

Still dream here: Helen and I were at my mother's house, though of course it wasn't really her house, never seen this house before in my life. We were watching a movie in my mum's room, talking about the anti-christ guy, and my cat wanted to go out the window, so he jumped and floated down like something with wings. We both fell asleep there, and then I heard birds and I thought, "this is strange..we're in my mother's bed, she didn't come to move us out of the bed so she could go to sleep". I went downstairs and saw notes about films my mother wanted to see with her husband and a sentence to the effect of "stop fighting over this t...thing...blah" I couldn't remember it. So I found my brother and asked him what happened. Mum's husband came home at 2am, and she was using the guest bed. They had a big huge fight over something really stupid and childish on his part, and then went to bed in the guest room. My brother was displaced by a maid who demanded money to keep quiet about the fighting between my mother and her husband.

The movie they wanted to see was some spinoff of another movie, kinda like Final Destination where everyone gets killed in gruesome ways. The boy who got killed by a pole is alive again to be killed again in this other movie. Well well.

Then my cats kept trying to get out of the house and I had to take them back in, and I dropped my keys on the floor, the ones that have the CN tower top on them. Heh.

That's all I remember for now. It was an odd assortment of strange things and goings on and had no plot or anything. Just a mish mash of weirdness. Felt very cold the whole time.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:
Pride and Prejudice
Sounds Like:
Cat Power - Cross Bones Style
Feels Like:
just got up, neck is stiff, dreading work tomorrow

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