Jul. 08, 2004 - 12:42 p.m.
just a boring old update

How exciting. I have to have my bridesmaid's dress let out half an inch. Freakin great.

I had a great sleep last night, finally. My littlest cat, Oliver Spoon, has been exceptionally needy lately and I find he's been sleeping through the night curled up next to my head. I love it. I miss him when he's wandering around the house causing trouble. I also know that when he's sleeping next to my head, he's not wandering about the house causing trouble, so I might sleep a little easier?

He's got the most lovely fur. It's the silkiest cat-fur I've ever felt, and it's tight to his body, unlike Norbert who has an undercoat of down, and then his fur. Oliver Spoon has just the one layer and it's like petting a bunny. Anyway, he does this thing where he circles my head and tries to lie down in the crook of my arm, which is up next to my face (I lie sorta face down and to the side a bit), the way he did when he was a kitten. Except he's too big now, so when he lies down, which is executed by him placing his head on the ground and the plopping the rest of his body down to meet it, he does it directly onto my face.

As lovely as his fur is, I don't need to breathe it in.

Ahh but he's a sweetheart, really. One of the most affectionate cats. Both of mine are. I think it's a reflection on me.

Today will be better. I avoided Tromley all day yesterday, I just needed a break, and I was glad for it. I'm sorta kinda making myself available today but I'm not going to strike anything up. I've had enough of the Tromley-Jana machine for a little while, and today, I don't miss him like I have been. I guess this is good.

Tonight: drinks and a play.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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