Jul. 28, 2004 - 9:03 a.m.
creeps and weirdos indeed

I snarked at a man on the bus this morning. He refused to move back so that other people could get on. He was standing and there was about 6 feet of space between him and the next person, which meant everyone at the front was squashing up so they could get on, and if the driver saw that there was no more space up front, he would shut the doors and people would have to wait for the next bus, possibly making them late for work. I've been that person on the outside of the doors.

So I said, "Could you move back please? Other people need to get on." He was standing in the middle of the aisle so no-one could get by him either.

He just stood there looking at me from behind his sunglasses. Or maybe he wasn't looking at me out of shame of being an asshole. So I said it again. And I added, "It's a matter of courtesy; there are people who need to get on this bus to get to work."

He still just stood there. So I had to try to work on the people behind him to pass him. Finally they did. I'm not sure how many of them spoke english because they also just stood there staring blankly until I started waving at them to move around the guy. Jeeeez?? What's wrong with people? They're like freakin' sheep. Just not thinking, not caring, totally oblivious to the world around them. It made me angry, but glad that I only have to take this commuter bus for two more days.

And to top it all off? No bus-boyfriend. I'm going to put out a missing person's report.

Listen, people, if you have OCD and you don't like people touching you, or if your personal space is 6'x 6', then BUY A CAR 'cause you're making people late for work.


old bitching - random - new bitching

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The Five People You Meet in Heaven - NEw!!!
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