May. 04, 2004 - 10:22 a.m.

Tengo que emigrar
desplazarme en el espacio
nunca puedo descanzar
no quiero volver
debe haber alg�n camino
donde me pueda esconder.

Cierta informaci�n
nadie debe conocerla
mi secreto es mi prisi�n
pienso en escapar
ser como un reci�n nacido
y dejarlo todo atr�s.

Por que no parar
y descanzar entre tus brazos
cu�nto he de pagar
o acostumbrarme con los a�os

Translation as best i could fathom: I must emigrate
to move to me in the space
I never can rest
I do not want to return
there must be some way
where I can be hidden

Certain information
nobody must know it
my secret is my prison
I think about escaping
like a new born
and to leave everything behind.

because to not stop
and rest between your arms
how much is there to pay
or to accustom to me with the years(???) I'll figure it out better later. I'm too distracted

Caramelos de Cianuro

old bitching - random - new bitching

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