Dec. 04, 2003 - 1:35 p.m.
Feelin like a carb binge

I'm still kinda excited/interested to see that there are still 50 people on whose favourites list I have remained, even after locking. This a) scares me into thinking that it actually isn't locked and b) makes me feel loved, even by a list of more or less strangers.

I'm excited. I got a Victorian British scene for class next week. I get to do an accent!!!!! This should certainly be fun.

Jackrabbit is coming by for dinner tonight. I think I'll actually cook something, isn't that nice of me? I, on the other hand, will eat cupcakes, as I've been eating all week, it seems.

155lbs. Creeping up there. But I was naughty yesterday. I ate all day. I hope my life doesn't fall apart and my weight creeps back up there again. That would really not be cool.

Though I really think I've been reset at 155 lbs. Time to reset again?

And yes, I do have a mild crush on Bean from class. I'm scared to say anything about it because what if it's not returned? Then I'll feel like a big old idiot.

This month is crazy busy. I have so much crap going on I don't know what to do with myself. It's nice to have parties and lunches and things to go to but otherwise a big old tiring pain in the ass when you're basically exhausted and depressed anyway.

Blah. I need more chocolate. Or a bagel?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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