Mar. 04, 2003 - 10:36 a.m.
Clarity - 34 days, or 804 hours

34 Days, or 816 hours. Hours, we decided, are more satisfying to watch diminish than days because they diminish every hour, instead of once a day. Rather obvious, and didn't need spelling out for you, but there, a whole paragraph!

Yesterday was the clearest day I've had in a long time. The weather was beautiful, the sun was kicking off the snow on the mountains, sea all shiny. LOVE this city. But emotionally I was clear too. The weekend was harrowing. My heart and head were torn apart and put back together and torn apart again, but my mind hasn't changed.

I still want this next 805 hours to go by mucho rapido.

And yesterday's clarity has reassured me that it will come, eventually and it will be good. Better than good. It will be amazing. Life changing. Cathartic?

You did everything right, lovey. If you're honest, you're doing it right.

Oop. 804 hours...

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:
I'm 10 pounds lighter.
Sounds Like:
People yakking in the boardroom, giving me a headache.
Feels Like:
we're on the right track again.

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