May. 14, 2003 - 9:20 a.m.

He wasn't unreliable, just busy. I can't expect him to be there for me 100% of the time, he has a life too. When he arrived at a little past midnight he was the best comfort I could have wished for.

He comforted me regarding my grandmother, and jackrabbit. He was amazing.

As for jackrabbit, I feel like it's the end of an era, for a while. We made that promise. If we are both single at 50 then we would be together. That'll happen, if we are both single, no question, I'm sure.

But for now, things need to cool off. I need to step back from him. Our friendship is faultering and things are going sour. I can't let that happen, I don't want him gone. So instead, I'll just let him go for a while, until we can be real and normal again.

I just wish he wouldn't be so critical of people. He pays such close attention to the lives of other people and I don't think he knows how critical he can be of them. But he can do no wrong. He's like my mother in that respect. I point out something to him that he doesn't want to think about or face as a possibility in his personality and he gets angry, self-righteous, condescending. When I apologize, he speaks to me like it was expected and that I damn well SHOULD apologize and hopefully I'll behave better next time.

Enough energy spent on him today.

Next entry will be: The Monitor.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
the blowers again - they were off for a while and the silence was glorious, but that white noise is back again.
Feels Like:
I just want to be in the lawyers arms, because there everything is ok.

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