Jan. 04, 2003 - 4:36 p.m.
The Coming Year....

This year I plan to:

Learn Spanish.

Lose 25 pounds (or more, if necessary, but 25 is a nice easy goal).

Become really good at yoga.

Get at least one paid acting gig.

Meet some really great men, friends or not, just need some fabulous male presence in my life.

Spend more time with my little brother, and his new girlfriend!!

Spend more time with my Dad and my family on my Dad's side.

Save up some damn money, and stop spending so much.

Remain vegetarian.

Be able to do the splits.

Run the SunRun (10k) in under an hour.

Fix the skin on my heels and the balls of my feet.

Make some of the art projects I've been contemplating for so long.

See a psychic for fun. Maybe a professional tarot reading? I can do my own, but who knows what the hell I'm doing so I'm probably not all that accurate.

Eat more healthfully.

And most of all, most important, and really the only thing on this list that really really matters (except maybe hanging with my family):

Love Myself.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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