
cassandra - 2002-12-09 22:39:30
I must mention that I had a quick glimpse of your world, If I can say its a real world??? (that with me has been a common question from others) I think yes,(as if your asking for moral support) but talking into the night with discussion on such subjects as you were ummm discussing??? (I am sometimes full of shit) I would say to that... I say THANK GOD FOR LATENIGHT DISCUSSIONS WITH EVEN PERFECT STRANGERS!!!! I am missing some of my drinking buddies right now... half are up and comming I AM NOT GOING TO SELL OUT MUSICIANS (do you know the type?) or just got artistically recognized for writing a novel we have been roll playing for years... and others have just fell through the cracks. ( i am not scared of that I believe they are still there in the realm of - yep I am here mode) oh well, thanks

go on, foam at the mouth:

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