Jun. 03, 2004 - 2:05 p.m.
So cool to be nice?

I have a question.

Is it in men's nature to bitch about their woman? I know so many guys who complain constantly about their women.

Oh, she won't let me go here, I can't do that I'll get in trouble. She doesn't do anything, she's lazy, she's this, she's that. I have to pick my battles, etc etc. Various other references to how their women make their lives difficult or downright miserable.

Why complain to me about this? There are so many girls I know that aren't like that, and I mention this and they are quick to defend their woman after all. They say "ohh, but I have it good in other ways". Why is it like pulling teeth to have a fellow either just allow that they put up with their fucking bitch cause she rides him like a helicpoter, or to find a guy that actually leaves a woman because she's a bitch and can appreciate at good woman when he's got one? God forbid.

That's the question then: is it in man's hardwiring to find nice women unattractive? Is it that nice women don't usually play hard to get? Is it akin to that whole chasing thing? Like maybe if I treat her like gold, one day she'll stop poking me in the eye with that stick?

So annoying. I should start being a bitch, hands down. I think I've learned that lesson that being nice gets you nowhere extremely fast. Oh no, all the guys I know who I mention this to say "no no, stay nice, it's so cool that you're nice" and then slap me on the back like the buddy they are and buy me a beer. I have no one lined up at my door, this nice girl that I am.

Anyway, anyone got any explanations for this? Let me in on the freaking secret, boys, I'm really confused.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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