Sept. 28, 2002 - 2:27 p.m.
Damn Crushes

This bites.

Someone sent me some very strange email thing through a website called someone likes you blah. So I put in everyone's name that I know from Diaryland, since it was sent to the diaryland email address. So if you get an email saying SOMEONE LIKES YOU, and it's me, don't freak out, I was testing it to see what would happen. Anyhoooo, it sucks, they make you put in a million addresses to get hints that are useless so that you end up spamming all your friends. DON'T do it. And if someone who reads this DOES have a crush on me...just SAY IT!! GEEEZ. Even if I reject you, you get points for being mega honest! What a strange website.

Tired. Had dimsum today. Very full, did a number on my digestion, everything is all soupy now. I don't have much in the way of interesting to write about today other than what I just wrote. Fun Fun Fun. So have a good weekend. My holiday has begun


old bitching - random - new bitching

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