Jun. 09, 2003 - 9:42 a.m.
This is Damn Long, sorry


The weekend.

Friday I got off work early, at 12:00 and was going to go to an audition but I didn't want that role after all, it was all the way in north van, a student short, and it was very "I know what you did last summer" esque... Doubt I would have been cast anyway.

Instead, went to the fabric store and bought $50 worth of fabric and pins and thread. Fun. Did I mention it was 30 degrees celsius out there? SO FUCKING HOT.

So did that and dropped off a headshot and resume on my way home, wandered around a bit. Got home at about 2:30 and the lawyer (who was hanging out at my place that day putzing around and stuff, so he had my keys) wasn't back yet. So I farted around in my garden, weeded a little bit and watered and pulled my peas apart so they would stop climbing all over each other (haven't staked them yet). Then wandered around to the front of the condo building and parked my ass on the grass to wait for him. He actually got there pretty quick after that. Only at about 2:45 and I had told him I'd be home at 3, so it was nice I didn't have to wait a half an hour, and he thought I was mad and that he was late again. Bless.

So I helped him carry in his stuff and he was wearing this AWESOME Bing Crosby style straw hat. Fuck, he was very very hot in this hat. That was a "wow, that's MY boyfriend!" moment.

We got inside and he was like, "wait a sec I want to show you something..wait." but I was all wandering around and putting stuff down so he had to grab me and point me at my birthday present, which was the bistro table and stool chairs that we had looked at together in our first week dating. I was SO STOKED!!!

Not only was it a cool gift, it was SENTIMENTAL! And I thought I only saw it as sentimental until I told him and he said, "yeah, that's why I bought it". Bless.

Then we spent the evening together, we cooked dinner together and he went to safeway for me. We had prawn and bacon crumbled on a lettuce tomato cucumber mushroom salad with our respective favourite dressings. And white wine. And we ate it at the bistro table that he and I had assembled together. We sat outside and read together. We walked around a bit outside, such a gorgeous day. Then I made a skirt out of the fabric I bought.

Such a domestic night. He loves the sound of white noise, so whenever I have a bath or shower, he comes into the bathroom and lies on the floor on top of towels and things, just to listen. So I had a cool bath to try and alleviate the sweatiness of me while he snuggled on the floor. He fell asleep there. I let him lie there for a while, then I went to bed and he ended up sleeping in there for 45 minutes...rather funny. So we just went to bed after that.

Saturday morning, I had an audition and my uncle was delivering some furniture that he wanted to get rid of. So I went to the audition and the lawyer monitored the condo in case my uncle showed up.

I love waking up with him there. It's always so weird now when I wake up and he's not. I feel like someone is on holiday or something and I'm waiting for them to come back.

So my uncle delivered all the furniture and stuff, and I just left it all in a big mess and the lawyer drove me to work. I worked until 8:00, Chris my coworker let me leave a little early, the dear. So I went downtown to maybe buy a new dress for dinner, and I ended up being a witness to an assault between two street people.

One of them was bleeding at the mouth when I saw him already, and the other started attacking him again, kicking him in the ribs over and over, and punching him in the head until he went down and then kicking him when he was on the ground too. Brutal. So I called 911, naturally and reported it and I ended up having to stick around to make a statement and all that in case the guy wanted to press charges. So I was late for my own birthday dinner, but not too bad.

So we went to Tatlow's for dinner, I got nicely toasted on wine and martinis and a shooter or two, as well as enjoyed a carbful dinner eating pasta etc. Foolish girl. So I've put on three pounds. In two days. BAD, holy shit. Hopefully it comes right off again.

Sunday was a hangover morning, woke up with the lawyer. Chris, my ex, came by with his friend Donald to pick up the rest of his stuff. Apparently Chris was rather tearful later on at his mum's house. Because he asked me if he could be a part of my life again. Did I mention that before? That's a whole other entry. I'll do that one later.

But it was nice to see Donald again. Then the lawyer and I chitchatted again for a bit and he went to play with some of his buddies. Donald came back to pick up some other stuff, alone, and he got very chatty so I invited him in for tea. This is the one that told his girlfriend at the time, now his wife, that he wished she were more like me. Not smart. Not a wise thing to tell one's girlfriend. So needless to say, she hates me hates me hates me. She also wasn't happy when he called her to say he was staying for tea and would be home in a half hour to 45 minutes. Oh dear.

Then skipped over to North Shore to have dinner with my mum and my gramma only my mum had to leave because my brother was being taken to the hospital to have stitches over his eye because of a huge gash he sustained whilst in a downhill bike race in Mission. Dope. That kid is going to break his bloody neck one day.

Gramma gave me two of her rings that are a set for my birthday, diamonds amounting to approximately $8000.00 worth. HOLY SHIT. I am wearing eight grand.


So sunday night I organized my condo, moved around all the furniture and made it more pretty and homey in my place and now I'm very very happy.

My condo is in order
I have an awesome boyfriend (who wears cool hats)
I had a great birthday, and it's not over yet
I have a great family
my brother is ok
I have great friends
It seems, once again, that everything is going my way right now. I need to appreciate this while it's still going on, before it ends, because life is so up and down. And man, I have been waiting for the up...

Fuck, this was long. I thought I could only write when depressed.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
chitter chatter
Feels Like:
my day is flying by and I couldn't be happier. It's my birthday!

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