Aug. 20, 2003 - 10:36 a.m.
Decision Made

I've made a decision. I've decided to have an abortion.

You can read the last few entries and see that I had probably already made the decision, I just wanted to be sure that I'd thought about it.

And I have.

I just wanted to add something here. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs and I don't want to begrudge them that.

But if you are religious, believe abortion is wrong and evil or anything like that, I would ask you to refrain from spouting it here in my diary. I am not making this decision lightly. I am having a hard enough time as it is, and I would appreciate you not trying to make it harder or trying to make me feel like satan is controlling me or some other ridiculous shite.

This is my diary, and now that I think of it, I can write what I want here. Yes, you can think what you want, and worship who you want, but in here what I say goes. I am also entitled to my opinion and I think that all that religious bullshit is just that. BULLSHIT. You people are led blindly, have no strength of your own and just repeat the same old shit you were taught as a child. And guess what? You were taught that shit by people who were taugh that same old shit when they were children. You all just believe with no reason. Faith you call it. I think it's laziness. Refusal to find your own truth because a ready made, fast food truth has already been given to you and you've memorized the rules and you've read the novel about God and Jesus and now you believe it was written by a heavenly ghostly hand.

It was written by a buncha guys back in the day, who could have been delusional for all you know. Burning bushes? Pillars of salt and shit? Sounds like an acid trip to me. THey were eating too much of the "manna from heaven".

Anyway. I think it's wrong to bring a child into the world when you're not ready to take care of it properly and raise it well and educate it well, and give it a mother and a father who are well adjusted and happy. Because if you don't, and you bring a child into the world anyway, you add ONE MORE FUCKED UP HUMAN to the pile, and we don't need more of those, believe me.

Anyway. There's my spout.

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