Jul. 06, 2004 - 7:18 a.m.
a dream and a nightmare

Last night I had crazy dreams about all my pets escaping from my apartment. I had the two cats, and Chako, my old German Shepherd was back and he kept getting out too. They were all out and running about dangerously close to Granville and 5th, which is a MAJOR major intersection and bus loop.

I was so frustrated and freaking out.


So I thought I was safe from Tromley and Jana's wedding festivities, but it turns out that they are having a reception here in Vancouver. Trom wants to invite me. He basically did invite me on the phone last night.

Here's the kicker. It will be a party full of all people I know and think are great. It would be SO MUCH FUN. It'll be at a venue I LOVE, the Shebeen, which is an Irish Whiskey House in Gastown. There will be a DJ, and food, and whiskey and great people and fun.

The problem is, it's in celebration of their wedding, which I'm not so hot on celebrating.

I think it might be a bit petty of me, but think I'll have to sit this one out.

Although, it would certainly hammer home the finality of it. That's just torture for me though. This is practically two months away. Hopefully they book it on the same day as my cousin's wedding. Then I have a real excuse.

God, reading back and thinking back it's hard to remember when I became so entwined with him. What's the matter with me? When I first met him I was so sure I didn't want anything with him. He just charmed me, I guess.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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