Aug. 27, 2002 - 1:42 p.m.
Boring? Droning? Hell yes!

After you read this, read yesterdays entry here.

So I am on o0-gummy-0o's favourite list, which I totally appreciate and I think that's great, but I have a little complaint.

She says I'm boring and I drone, which I'm sure I can do. I like to type, I don't have a lot to do at work, and I tend to do the think it-type it thing so it's all a little automatic writing-ish. Fair enough, people are certainly entitled to their opinion, I appreciate that. What kinda bugged me is that I went to her diary, and the first entry I read was a long, boring wiggygiggle about boys. He like had this crush on me, and it was like HUGE and that's a like understatement etc etc. I don't mean to slam, you can read it yourself..

So yeah, I'm a little bitter at being called boring and droning, but it makes me feel lots better when I consider the source. She likes my layout though, it's "phat".

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