Jun. 04, 2004 - 9:10 a.m.
The Executioner

"It leads to commitment, intimacy, funding - or a break-off."

From my horoscope on the weekend.

I guess it was the break-off after all. I figured as much. Yesterday was going well, I was feeling pretty good. I was even easing up on my leanings toward removing myself from Trom's life.

So much for that. I got no sleep, I had horrible dreams. I cried a lot. I guess it's good he told me, but it's hammered that last nail into the coffin.

Tonight I will be doing what I did to end Jackrabbit. Returning all of Trom's things and walking away. A head will roll. Probably mine.

My list is ever growing: first the jackrabbit, now the hare. I just can't do this shit anymore.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:
lost books
Sounds Like:
postal service - brand new colony
Feels Like:
the executioner

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