Dec. 17, 2003 - 9:13 a.m.
Fuck off I'm in a state of confusion

I'm back in a state of confusion and kaffuffle. I wish I could just let well enough alone with everything but I've gone and met someone I like a little bit - the Noggin - and now I'm even more messed up. Way to fucking go.

I am really looking forward to my therapist coming back...

I'm not drinking enough water. My back is in a constant state of discomfort. My elbow is in a constant state of discomfort. My heart and mind are in a constant state of discomfort.

I want to disappear for a month. Just go away. I don't want to tell anyone I'm going, I don't want to tell anyone WHERE I'm going. I just want to go. I suppose I would have to mention it to Helen, since she would have to feed my cats and she'd notice if I didn't turn up for a while. But otherwise, no Jackrabbit, no Noggin, no Tromley. None of them would know.

Maybe I'll just rent a car and fuck off for a couple of days?

I got a raise at work. Yesssssss.

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