Sept. 29, 2002 - 1:13 p.m.
Good Feeling

I was following a little kid along the sidewalk today. He was playing "don't step on the cracks", walking on each individual cobblestone on his tippie-toes. A smile spread across my face and I laughed under my breath. The most amazing feeling of joy flooded my chest and belly and for a moment I felt the simple happiness of being a child. I had long forgotten that feeling.

These days I feel weighed down with adult worries and inhibitions, the sadness that comes with worldliness and the disappointment you suffer when you discover that the world isn't what you thought it was. I suppose it could be what you thought though. Just go back to living it like the child I used to be. Maybe that's the key to conquering melancholia.

And all it took was a simple game of "cracks".

"Good feeling, won't you stay with me, just a little longer. It always seems like you're leaving when I need you here, just a little longer."

old bitching - random - new bitching

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