Apr. 16, 2003 - 10:52 a.m.
House Cleaning, Happy Girl

I've done some housecleaning. I've decided you CAN delete life, to an extent.

I did the 10k run in an hour and 19 minutes. Damn. Although I didn't train at all this year, and apparently I beat all my friends.

I've put on a couple of pounds, as it's my holiday and I intend to eat crap. LALALA.

I do have some good news, and I am still scared that it's too new to talk about, but I'm pretty happy and surprised and am very curious/worried as to how it will turn out.

Remember The Lawyer?...hehe.

Turns out I AM his type. No-one in the group knows yet. One of his friends likes me a lot, Jackrabbit is my ex and they are friends who are also arch-nemeses. It could be messy now.

But he makes me feel amazing. I am not scared about my body with him, I can be silly, I can be serious, I am intelligent and funny and sweet and sexy and cute and affectionate and he is all the same things. We seem to bring this out in each other.

Happy girl.

It's been a long time.

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Cold Play - In My Place
Feels Like:
Happy girl, that's all.

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