Dec. 07, 2002 - 10:34 a.m.
Hing Ming Heung


I've come into my office on a fine Saturday to pick up my gym clothes, have some oatmeal (which I keep in my drawer here) and then I'm off to my gym. I've also just noticed that I bounced a check by a mere margin of something like 2 hours. AUGH.

That's not good. But it's done, so I am just not going to worry about it, since there's nothing I can do about it now. The money is in there, it was in there around the same time they took the other cheque, but lucky me, they took the cheque out first, before the other one deposited. THAT FUKIN SUKS.

Right. Had a fun evening with fam-damliy and hung out with Jackrabbit.

Also finally got a call back from The Chinese Karaoke Artist, who I will from now on refer to as HingMing. (He's not actually chinese...he's IRISH!!) He's lovely, he has black hair, he plays the guitar, and he has a girlfriend who is BORING BORING BORING. She was so no fun when I met the two of them, but perhaps it's because HingMing took to me so quickly and we really hit it off. It's not my fault she's a snobby beeeyatch! I'm so going to hell.

But hey, why wait in line?

So anyway, he and I were jamming a week or two ago, I sang, he played giutar and we decided that we could work together and collaborate on some stuff EWHHEHEEHEEEE. I'm all over that.

So I called him since he gave me his number, and he didn't call me back. So I called one more time the day before yesterday, and I got a message from him last night! AHHEHEHEE he sang Jingle Bells in Chinese Karaoke, which consisted of:

hing ming heung

hing ming heung

hing ming heung ming heung

hing ming heung ming hing ming heung

ming hing ming heung ming hiiiiiiing.

HAHA. I want him to break up with his 2 month girlfriend and date MEEEEE!!

Wow, I'm really going to hell. I won't steal him, that's mean, but they just don't suit each other!!!

old bitching - random - new bitching

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