Jun. 23, 2003 - 11:27 a.m.
Itch My Leg!!

I smell like Dettol. I just cleaned my ears because I'm wearing earrings for the first time in months and my ears are all inflamed. So I cleaned my ears and my earrings and now I smell like emergency ward 10.

I was on the bus this morning and there was this little asian kid, definitely ESL. He was listening to some kind of rap music, dressed appropriately for rap star style and was singing along. It was rather odd, annoying, cute and sad all at the same time. He was singing along with lyrics like, "baybeh baybeh" and "motherfucker" and all kinds of yo mutha I'm the king kinda lyrics in a broken asian accent and a 14 year old voice.

I wonder if he knew what he was saying out loud on a bus?

I haven't heard from Tim in the last little while, but apparently he's definitely coming out this summer!!! I can't remember if I mentioned that already, but this makes me mightily happy. It's been three years. SO LONG. I've changed a LOT in three years, physically, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, pretty much every way possible, except that I'm still a child. (this was proved at a party on friday night at which there were children who I played with for most of the thing.)

Actually, I'll write about Leith. This kid was 6, and he was the LOUDEST child I have ever heard. He was manic too. Every five minutes he was like, "I'm not your friend" because I wouldn't do something he wanted to do. At one point I said it back to him and I made him cry. HAHA. But we made up and then he said "I can see your boobs". And then he made the whole party show their belly buttons and Mike and I turned him into a frog and then a spider. I miss being a kid, even if I was a manic kid like Leith, cause that kid was up n down worse than I've ever been.


haven't talked to Trevor hardly at all
still in love with jackrabbit
back down to 159lbs
sent some stuff off to an agent
broke till friday

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Bjork - Isobel
Feels Like:
my back is all bent and crooked

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