Jan. 06, 2004 - 1:41 p.m.
Last Pair on Earth

I cannot believe the weather this year. It has never been so cold, nor snowed so much in Vancouver.


I love snow, I love it love it love it. Even though it causes most of Vancouver's citizens to drive like brazen idiots.

But it's pretty. It makes all the ugly downtown buildings look unlived in, unused. Then I can pretend we live in a wasteland. A beautiful waste land in which all the humans have been eradicated somehow. Except me. And Jackrabbit. And it's up to us to repopulate so we get right to the rabbiting ..er... repopulating.

I wonder how I would really feel about being all alone on the earth? Or even one other person. But what if this DID happen, how would you know you were the only person on earth? You might know you're the only person in your neighbourhood, and after a few months or a year, your town. But your province/state? What about your country? Canada is HUGE, you couldn't possibly comb every last nook and cranny looking for survivors.

It's a little bit like the idea that we're alone in the universe. It's just too big to assume that we are because there's no way we can comb the whole expanse of infiniti to find out. So we have to assume the most likely answer, and that is, there are others. How could the ENTIRE population of the earth be wiped out save ONE? That's not probable, nor is it likely.

Still it would be an interesting feeling, to know that you were the only sentient creature on earth. You would never have to pay for anything again...there's enough canned foot in supermarkets to feed you for a lifetime, I'm sure. Someone's VCR is bound to work for a time, until the power runs out. No one would care if you crapped in the river.

Clothes and things, no problem, and when it gets dark, you sleep. There is enough in a major city to feed, clothe and shelter and entertain a single human for his/her lifetime, most certainly. The fresh food would spoil in the markets, but there are always fruit trees and things. You could steal a car and head up the okanagan for the summer, where it's hot hot hot and the days are long and there are trees full of fruit.

Probably loads of campers you could sleep in.

This is assuming there are no bodies. I guess if there were bodies, things would be a little more difficult. The smell, the disease. But your own flat would be ok. You could buckle down and burn a pile of bodies in your vicinity to clear a place free of decay...

Libraries at your disposal. Movie theatres, while there's still power, it's not hard to run a projector, not nowadays with all the automation.

All the art supplies you could want, just head down to granville island, climb over the dead Emily Carr students and help yourself to the acrylics and oils. Canvas? Not expensive anymore.

Anyway, my point is, despite lonliness, a human could survive completely alone for the rest of his life if there were no other humans, in a city.

Here's a question to determine your true love. I was just thinking it, prompted by the above little fantasy.

"If there were one person left on earth besides you, and you were to repopulate the earth and spend the rest of your time here with them, who would you choose?"

I suppose most men would say Monica Bellucci. But if you were to seriously think about it, who would it be? I don't even know.

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