Aug. 11, 2004 - 11:59 a.m.
at least it's done


I just registered for my courses for next semester. Well, first semester, actually. What a zoo. I did it from the comfort of my own bed, on this very laptop and now I'm exhausted. Two of the three courses I wanted were full, so I had to waitlist one, since it's the only one of its kind offered, and I had to find another offering of the other. Crap. So now my work schedule is all out of whack and I probably have to work sundays. Dammit. I'm going to try to avoid that.

Anyway, now I'm begging the one professor to let me into her full/waitlisted class and I had to select another course that I wasn't going to take, just in case I don't get into the Latin course. So yeah, now I'm taking a psychology fundamentals II course. It'll be interesting, but if I get into latin, more work. Shit, oh well.

At least it's done. I want to go swimming now.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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