Dec. 23, 2002 - 11:54 a.m.
I *HEART* Water Boy

OK the Water Boy just came in again.

He's been off for several months because he's put his back out and pulled some muscles. I just can't get the guts up to ask him out. He's so HOT HOT HOT. And he flirts like mad with me, I love it. I don't know if he's single or what. Guys like that never are. I am thinking that next month, January, when he comes in to deliver my water, I'm going to ask him if he gets a lunch break. AUGHCHCHAHCHCH.

I get sweaty just thinking about it. I am just not good with guys I have a crush on. I can flirt like a mad fiend if I'm not interested, but the second I am, I say all kinds of stupid things, always look crappy, that sort of thing. YGH.

I'm nervous still, and it's been an hour!

Oh what an idiot I am.

What a jerk!!



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