Jun. 28, 2004 - 10:39 a.m.
nope, no drama here

It's interesting that when I am more or less happy I don't have much to say in writing. The desire to outpour doesn't press me anymore. The need to get things out via paper n pen (keyboard) isn't so imperitive.

I have a sunburn. A very uneven one too, which is frustrating since I took great pains to a)wear sunscreen and b) lie in a direct manner so that I wasn't all wonky in relation to the direction of the sun. So much for that.

The fronts of my thighs are pink pink except for the centre part where the fat is and I can't imagine how the fat blocked the sun unless cellulite doesn't tan or something. I was lying flat. At least my face is ok. Those are the worst, not only because they freaking hurt and sting and feel hot and stuff, but because people notice it right away and call you names like lobster face and tomato head.

I have nice friends.

So I leave for Thetis Island on Thursday morning. It's a three day work week. Nice and short. The wedding for Nonie and Chris is on Friday morning and I am the appointed hairstylist. I'm doing fingerwaves and curls tucked at the nape of her neck and it's going to look gorgeous because she has really thick rich dark brown hair and it's curly already so it's going to look fantastic.

We had a trial run on Saturday night and sunday morning and it took me 45 minutes to do it. Eeek. But we won't be doing rags so it'll take off about 15minutes. I think it'll be great. I'll take photos!

Meanwhile, I'm whinging about my dresses because I'm chubby again and nothing fits right, so not only am I practically starving myself this week, but I'm going to BCBG to hen over the dresses and see if anything is truly stunning for me up there. I also want a pair of MC & Power Shoes. Stunning.

CRAP!! I have so much to do in three days! Shit, procrastination queen strikes again.


old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:
The Green Mile - Stephen King
Sounds Like:
no music today.
Feels Like:
too much omelette ew.

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