Jul. 13, 2004 - 9:44 a.m.
no pond fishing

Guess what kind of night I had?

yeah. rough.

I saw Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle last night at a sneak preview. You know what? I was TOTALLY in the mood for some dumbass humour, and it really hit the spot. It was funny, it was gross, it was dirty, it was totally bizarre at some points, like beyond suspension of disbelief, but overall it was fun. I enjoyed it.

But I couldn't sleep again last night. I was up tossing and turning until about 4:00 and then I slept intermittently until about 6:40 and that was it, I was basically up. So I was three minutes EARLY for work today. You know it's a bad day when...

Chris and I are starting to write a script. It's going to be a short, with the possibility/hopes of making a feature. We have a brainstorm session tonight.

I cried on the bus last night on the way home. Wanna know why? Because I read the end of the Green Mile. Holy Shit. I bawled and bawled and bawled. Now I have to see the movie. I must have looked really funny. I had these tears of pity and unfairness rolling down my cheeks and probably a look on my face to match. I'm such a sap.

So. One more of the gamer boys has a crush. I think I knew this already but little hints being dropped left right and centre are really adding up. I did tell him outright last night that I won't be dating anyone else from the gamer group. Two exes and two crushes in the same group of friends is ridiculous. Most of them don't know about one of the exes, so I'm not going into it, but I just can't fish from that pond.

Well, not going to fish from ANY pond really. Though I do want to ask the Rogers video guy out for coffee. He's lovely.

Never ends, does it?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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