Sept. 13, 2002 - 10:18 a.m.
Love, not IN love.

ACCCKCKCKC I'm in a panic trying to get all these contracts singed in time for the deadline today to enter the 24 hour film contest. ARGH. I love to stress myself out, I really do.

Actually, to be honest, sometimes I am at my best when I have a deadline and I am under pressure. I like to "get things done", checking things off of a list sort of thing. That way I feel like I'm getting something done. Especially since I spend so much of my time not really doing anything at all in the first place.

Again, there's hardly anyone in the office. Just four people plus me, and one of them is leaving to play golf. Jeez it's a rough life isn't it? Actually when the two people closest to my desk are gone, I can turn the volume way up on my music. Listening to: Overcome - by Live. Good song, very sad sounding.

"I am overcome, holy water in my lungs. Beautiful Drowning, this beautiful drowning, this holy water, this holy water is in my lungs. I am overcome." Don't completely understand the whole song, but it's beautiful nonetheless.

I have a hair in my eye. OW. I apologize for what a dull entry this is, but I guess I just don't have anything to say today.

I am still fine, I am still sad, but I am really starting to believe that it's for the best in the long run. I really did need more passion in my life, and I can only guess that it wasn't going to get any better. Maybe I love him but I'm not IN love with him, the way I am with a couple of my other good male friends?

OK enough, I'll let you get on to more interesting entries now.


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