Jun. 15, 2004 - 12:48 p.m.
I'm not depressed today, so this entry is boring

Right. The course schedule came out today and I've planned my courses. Is it stupid to schedule a course right after another? Like one starts at 10:30, ends at 11:25, and the next one starts at 11:30. I can make it there on time, I'm sure, but it's just, well, is that crazy? I've scheduled myself a lunch break at least, and I scheduled the philosophy course for last in case we want to stay and discuss for a bit. Also, there's no final exam for that PHIL course. YESSSSSS.

Anyway, they weren't offering two of the courses I wanted: Introduction to Linguistics Historical and Ancient Philosophy, so I'll have to try for those next term.

So I woke up in quite the good mood this morning. I slept a little later than I had planned and rushed about like an idiot trying to get my breakfast and lunch made. But I got to work in a surprisingly chipper mood. Might be because I had fun last night?

It's funny how I dread things and then when I actually get there and get involved, I end up enjoying them. I went for drinks for a friend's birthday last night and I SO didn't want to go. I was worried about who might be there, who might not, etc etc. Then when I got there (after waiting for 30 minutes in the cold outside the original restaurant destination because a) they were all late and b) the restaurant was closed for a staff function) I wasn't really into it. I was the only girl, which usually is fine for me and I don't mind, but for some reason I wasn't in the mood for hearing about all the hot chicks they want to date.

I can't imagine why.

Anyway, I was going to leave early, when another influx of guys came in, a few I knew, and one whom I did not. He's half indian (east indian for all you americans), half british. VERY beautiful. I took a bit of a shine to him, he's getting his masters' degree in stage management and theatre etc. He took a bit of a shine to me as well, I think. I have a feeling he's a stuffed shirt, but he seemed to be alright when the conversation at the table deteriorated to "how much money would you eat shit for".

I love hanging out with guys.

Well, if he calls, he calls. He knows where to get my number. Must be a reason I stuck around the pub last night.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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