Jul. 30, 2003 - 10:34 a.m.
Question #3 - Are you willing to challenge yourself and work at your goal?

Losing weight takes effort. Change, for many of us, can bring up emotions that we may not feel comfortable experienceing. Are the reasons why you want to lose weight important enough to you that you are willing to work at reaching your goal? Whether you re changing your physical lifestyle (activity level or eating habits) or altering ingrained beliefs about weight loss, are you willing, at times, to feel challenged? Are you willing to be courageous and have faith when walking this new path in order to experience your true essence?

This one isn't as serious or important a question for me, in my journey, though it might be in yours so I'm posting it for those of you who are following this with me. I'm willing. I am willing, as it is apparent, since I've lost 20 pounds since February. I think I could have lost more, I could have worked harder, but I think this journey, for me, needs to be a slow one. I need to appreciate it, to feel every stage of this process. That sounded really "marketing speak". Ugh. What I mean is, ok back a little while ago, I weighed 163 pounds. I went on holiday and put on 3-4 pounds because I ate whatever the hell I wanted. Then I realized, I didn't really want to eat like that all that much. I felt better when I didn't. So then I lost a bit of weight and plateaued around 160lbs. I started to lose hope around that point, but I kept it up, just thinking, ok what can I alter just the tiniest bit to make this more effective? So I added more exercise and smaller portions of food. I then quickly lost enough that now I hover around 154-155. So now, I don't think this is a true plateau, as I've been eating more sugar than I should be, so I'm not going to panic. But something has to be altered in order for the weight loss to continue.

So now I'm going to remove ALL sugar again, I'm dropping from cream and homo milk (hee hee) to 2% and step up the consistency in exercise. I'm buying a bike. I'm going to attempt to ride to work and home again. That makes daily exercise. For at least two hours a day, because it will probably take me an hour to ride to work and an hour to ride back. Between the two things, that should do it. I need to drop 4 pounds to get the $1000.00 and I need to drop 10-15 pounds all together to reach my goal. Once I get to 140-145 pounds, I'll see if I can get lower, and if I even need to.

Anyway, I'm willing to make the changes necessary to advance my weight loss, and I want to get to my goal by being healthy, motivated and happy. Lucky me!!!

old bitching - random - new bitching

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Jeff Buckley - Morning Theft
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Days's speeding up, wheee!

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