Mar. 19, 2003 - 11:23 a.m.
It's Quieter...

Ok guys, this steak and bj day this is way outta hand. I looked at my stats today, and 99% of the hits I get on this diary come from a search of some kind or another, using "s-t-e-a-k-a-n-f-b-l-o-w-j-o-b-d-a-y". I also got a strange one last night from some dude in Australia looking for "bus bums". I was the ONLY site that came up on that search. The ONLY ONE!! WTF again? That's funny.

Well, it's almost noon, the mail has not arrived. I'm starving and I want to pig out but can't. I think I'll just have soup and salad again. AGAIN. Sigh.

I experienced something really beautiful last night. It changed a lot of things in my mind, for the better. It answered a million questions I had. It made me want something more than anything in the world at that moment. And this morning, I feel the same. Things are better, things are good, things are great. I still have small fears and worries, I still have the bullshit, but it's not so loud anymore.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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