Sept. 17, 2003 - 3:25 p.m.
Quiet on the Northern Shore

Not ONE fucking email from him today.

I used to get minimum two a day. I used to get 10 a day. Now I only get one if I send something that requires a reply, to which I get a one or two word answer.

Granted, it's busy at work. I guess I just feel neglected, or not thought about. Which I'm sure I not, since I can't expect someone to think about me all day, but when you think about them often enough throughout the day you miss them. And I guess it's kinda a bummer to accept the reality that they may not miss you, nor care that they don't.

It's nice to be thought about, and impossible to know that you ARE being thought about unless you're told "I've been thinking about you", or even a gesture is made to indicate that you were on the mind. Like an email.

I'm no longer the first person he tells about things, I think. I don't think he tells anyone now. I can't think of who he'd call instead. Wow, I am NOT looking forward to that day. When there's someone he calls first, when there's someone on the list he asks to do things with first. I even feel displaced when he masturbates about someone else these days, because for a short while, it was just me. And a couple of amateur pornos, mind you, but I don't care about them.

I'm sure there will be a day when someone else comes along that I think is awesome and worth my time, but I can't imagine it. I can, however, imagine him meeting someone else and I think that'll be the worst day of my life, to date.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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