Mar. 11, 2004 - 2:58 p.m.
The Factory Worker and the Rat - A reprinted fairy tale

This is a reprint/edit of an older entry I wrote, and it seems to kinda sorta fit again. Which kinda indicates patterns in my case, but hey, it's just a story

It�s amazing what fear can do to a person. It can change a normal, rational thinking, gentle, beautiful human into something completely different. Into a quaking factory belching out horrible black thoughts and fears and terrors and aches that end in mass destruction and heartache and pain and lonliness. Even the rats desert that kind of factory.

I�ve been a rat.

But this time was different. This one particular rat had grown fond of a factory worker. He was sweet and gentle and clever and she watched him work every day. Finally one day, when the factory began to shake and vomit smoke and the fear and pain machines began to shudder with built up pressure, there was threat of the factory collapsing. The factory rats fled in squealing terror.

But not this little rat. This little rat chose to stop running and stay to watch her one little worker inside, trying his best to fix all the broken machinery. He had seen her stay. He had seen her wait behind while all the other rats deserted the factory without a second thought for her. He knew that if he couldn�t fix the machines, the factory would collapse and certainly crush her tiny body.

She could see his little orange work-hat as he ran around from machine to machine, trying his best to keep the nuts and screws and bolts from pinging out of their places from all the pressure and stress. Holding it together as best he could he rushed about while the huge fear and pain machines above him groaned and threated to come crashing down on his little body, little orange work-hat and all.

He struggled until he got all those machines under his control. He reined them in and screwed down those screws tighter, found the fear valve and released all that pressure. He did it for her.

All the other rats can desert, leave. This rat loves her factory and her factory worker, and she�s staying.

I always stay, oblivious to the ultimate destruction ahead of me. I just don't know when to desert my collapsing factories, I am always so taken with the little workers inside

old bitching - random - new bitching

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