Sept. 09, 2002 - 4:13 p.m.
Seeing is Believing

I just had coffee with him. We have decided to take our relationship back to the way it was in the beginning. Separate homes, separate lives, but we are technically "seeing" each other, with the option to see other people. That's going to hurt a lot to see him with another woman, but it's going to hurt him just as much to see me with a man. This way we can rediscover each other and figure out what really is right and wrong.

He agrees with me that there is something still there, something more than just two people who know each other.

I'm still not getting my hopes up, but it just seems to hurt less. It doesn't feel like someone died anymore.

I know that people hate to read this schmaltzy stuff in diaries, but their real purpose is to help us put into words what we're feeling and in the same breath help us organize those feelings into something we can deal with and understand. So get over it, I'll be funny again someday soon. (insert big wet Bugs Bunny kiss here)

I am eating sour cream and onion ripple chips. DAMN they rock like the stone age. I'm going to run tonight to bust out some of the bad shit in my heart. I'll feel better for it I'm sure.

Thanks for the love guys, talk to you later..

old bitching - random - new bitching

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