Apr. 22, 2003 - 3:15 p.m.
Sense Association

It's interesting how the human brain finds associations. Like smells, sounds, visual cues. It's almost like a need of the brain to catalogue things according to something else, so it's always able to recall them.

There are SO many smells that I have smelled, and it's brought back something specific. Like my mother used to get Georgio perfume for Christmas, now that smell reminds me ONLY of Christmas, not my mother or my family, but Christmas morning. There are even smells that bring something back that is so fleeting that it's gone before I have the chance to remember it.

Jackrabbit was telling me he associates me now with Catherine Wheel's music. I've always associated a certain album of theirs with living in Scotland and feeling very very sad.

I even associate songs with other songs. Like if you make yourself a mix CD, and you listen to it over and over, you come to expect certain songs to follow certain songs. So when you listen to one of those songs in another context or setting, once that song ends, in your mind, you hear that next song from your mix...

I can't think of any particular flavours that bring me back to anything else, but I'm sure there are lots of subtle ones.

I love the human brain, it's so crazeeeeee.

I also love rice crispie squares. They are so crispeeeeee

old bitching - random - new bitching

Reads Like:

Sounds Like:
Aimee Man - Wise Up
Feels Like:
Rice Crispie Squares in my teeth

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