May. 31, 2003 - 4:08 p.m.

I have to tell you about my dream. It messed me up and I was all dream hung over this morning.

I can't remember a lot of it now, but I wrote it down at home, where there are more details. We were traveling together and living in England and one day, in a cabin kind of in the woods, you came to me and admitted that you weren't actually [jackrabbit]. That your name was M--- and that [jackrabbit] was actually this other guy who was rich rich rich and he looked Indian, somewhat. He was fully North American, no accent or anything, and quite good-looking. He was cruel and arrogant though. He was in love with me and wanted me for himself, but we were in love and I didn't want to go. But you left me because you had made a deal with this guy. The real [jackrabbit] - TRJR and I were on a plane going back to Canada and you were already back here working and such. I refused to be with TRJR -because I was in love with you and couldn't bear it and he was so angry that he hated me and left me on the plane. I had my cell phone and I dialed your number and got him, TRJR, so he even had your cell phone and everything. I begged him, crying and wailing, to tell me how I could get a hold of you and he refused. He just told me you were working and what company you worked for but I couldn't call you or anything because I didn't have the number. So I went home to my place and cried and cried and went for a walk in a sunny meadow kind of place and ran into Shea, my acting teacher.

She handed me these two flyers that had the name of the place you worked for, a moon and stars, and the number. She new that I was looking for you, even though I hadn't told her. I was so ecstatic. So I called you and you were VERY hesitant to meet me, because of this deal you had made and you didn't want to mess with my mind, even though you still loved me. You wanted me to have a clean break so you were trying to push me away. I refused to accept it and I went to your place of work and when you saw me, we both cried and we decided to leave together so we did.

Then we were in this institution, like school/hospital and we were in love and had this relationship and stuff, and we were playing floor hockey with all these other people. But I had been tipped off that TRJR was still angry and still wanted me and he wanted to kill you because of our relationship. Someone had tipped me off that they were going to beat you up until you died. While we were playing hockey you motioned that you had to go to the bathroom, and I looked at you worriedly and shook my head, no. And you sort of motioned that it was ok, not to worry about you and you went.

When you didn't come back, I freaked out and went to the men's washroom and walked right in. I kicked in all the bathroom stall doors looking for you and you weren't in there, when I heard weird noises coming from upstairs. So I went up, carrying my hockey stick and I found you lying on the floor, surrounded by TRJR and a whole bunch of very large, very muscular men and their girlfriends and they were kicking you and you were bloody and in a heap.

I flipped out and screamed and ran and stood above you brandishing my hockey stick. I was crying and saying "Don't you fucking touch him don't touch him, just you fucking try it you bastards. Come on. Fucking try it. COME ON" and I tried to protect you. Suddenly my hockey stick became a FIELD hockey stick, which was much heavier and harder and the big guys were genuinely afraid of me. One of the girlfriends approached me and tried to start fighting with me and I hit her repeatedly with the stick and knocked her out. Everyone else stood back and I picked you up and carried you out of the place, which turned out to be a hospital. We got in a cab and had to find another hospital because everyone in that one was out to get you. We found one, and

get this..

They had to remove your head temporarily and they had hooked your tongue up to this speech machine so we could talk. And you thanked me and told me you loved me for saving your life and that we would never be apart again. So then they put your head back on and we kissed and were happy.

It totally wigged me out, I felt really strange and stuff because I had been protecting your life, like you were going to die and I was the only one who could prevent it. Scared me. Felt all funky this morning.

Anyway. That was my dream. So now you know that I would risk my safety to save you.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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