Mar. 16, 2004 - 3:06 p.m.
Squeeze it in!!

Wow. Well there's been a crackdown at work lately. I'm now only able to use the internet at 10am for 10 minutes, 3pm for 10 minutes, and at lunch time. So that doesn't give me much time to wax philosophically!

Oh well. Things are not much different these days anyway. I came to the conclusion that I live a lot of my life in denial, in that there are two parts of me. The part that does things, and the part that says things, and they don't always match up. Isn't that great?

I guess I AM a big fat liar. To myself at least. I'll eat something, and then tell myself I didn't, and I'll believe it. Hence, the 160 pounds.

I ran at lunch today, that's great. I'm on probation at work for three months because I'm a slacker... surprise. Trom and I are no go, not even friends really right now, too hard, I learned my lesson the first time I tried to "just be friends" with someone I was interested in more from. Just ripped me up. So no more of that. Hmmm, what else shitty has happened?

My back is in spasms again? HAHA. Surprisingly, my mood isn't bad considering how unhappy I really am. That's kinda nice.

I've taken up knitting again. I will be a grandma before you know it.

Break's over...sigh.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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