Jun. 21, 2004 - 1:07 p.m.
hey you back there, step forward

I kinda see how the progression went with Jackrabbit. I had been struggling to get some space from him for a while and everytime I got the resolve to do it, I couldn't maintain it. I tried at New Years, and was solid and mature in that, but I couldn't maintain it. But I needed it. We both needed to not see each other and be somewhere that we could work our lives out without each other.

So when the breakin night happened, it was just rock bottom after the night before was one step from rock bottom. It was horrid but it allowed me to take the space I needed to sort out what I feel. I know that it hurt him immensely, the way things went. I really did it all wrong. And now I'm sorry for it.

I am glad for the space, now I know his importance even moreso? Anyway, I don't really know what to do. Ech.

Life is so frustrating, it really really is. Just when you take a step forward, you find you're leaping from four steps back.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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