Nov. 12, 2003 - 9:28 a.m.

Can't shake the blue funk. Why am I so weak?

At work again. I have two scenes tonight at class, one of which a) I forgot about, b) is a three person scene and hard to memorize, and c) involves a nun.

I'm really starting to feel restless again.

My grandmother said she would subsidize me when I want to go to school. I think I'll start at Langara in the summer. It's time.

There were a few ideas. One was to take the 9 month legal secretary course at Cap College. Then I can make crap loads of money temping here and there or doing contract work. Or I can stay here until I get acting work, which is bound to be soon after I get an agent.

Too many plans, not enough courage, I think.

I also have no willpower. I resolve to do things all the time, and I don't, or can't or forget. I need some kind of monitor to force me and enforce me. Because I won't do it myself.

I guess I'm learning. Sticking to a diet is part of it. And I did it for a while, though I faultered lately. I'm picking it up again though, I'm back to square one, but starting from a lower weight. Which is great. 156. That's ok. Now I just have 15 pounds to lose instead of 10. No problem. I've done it before, right?

There's that pep talk again. We'll see, I guess.

old bitching - random - new bitching

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