Jul. 11, 2004 - 10:22 p.m.
the selfish never think of what trail they leave behind

another bad night. they're starting to get more frequent. I was contemplating the selfishness of suicide and how no matter what you say in your suicide letter, people will not understand nor will they forgive you for that selfishness.

No matter how you explain your pain, and how you've lived all your 28 years in such sadness and emptiness and lonliness, how you felt like your life just got off on the wrong foot to start with and has never really gotten into stride since, and how you couldn't see through to living another 50 years this way, they will not understand or agree.

The people you wished to punish will not be punished. They'll hate you for taking yourself from them without giving them a chance to dissuade you, or giving them any say in the matter.

Sure you'll be done. You'll be the one that's dead, meat in the ground. But you'll have left a trail of carnage and sadness and pain, things you tried to escape, and then by your theory should cause those who feel these things because of you, to have to kill themselves too. So you become a murderer, or at least premeditated or something. Imagine the outward spreading wave of death you would set in motion. All those who were sad and felt pain from your death would die, and then those who felt sadness and pain about their deaths would die. The ripples of thousands of drops ever expanding. How dare you take yourself away for those reasons, but feel it's ok to leave them behind feeling the very things that drove you from this life? It's not fair.

It's selfish.

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