Jul. 15, 2003 - 3:17 p.m.
Thudding of the Blood in my Head

New Layout oooh.

I wonder if I'll get knicked for copyright on that picture. I couldn't find anything on the site that said no no no no no. And I'm not using it to sell anything, it just looks neat.

Looks like I feel half the time. All buggie eyed and shit.

I haven't done the "older" page yet. I'm workin on it. It'll probably be something to do with the cover of One Flew Over blah blah. I love that book, it's so damn excellent. A thousand times better than the movie.

You know I'm normal, I know I'm normal, and sometimes you just feel like a total crazy. Like you'd rip out all your hair given the chance, and run naked up and down the street with a straw up your ass and flippers on your feet.

Anyway, hope you like it, if you hate it let me know, if you like it let me know, got any suggestions or anything?

old bitching - random - new bitching

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Sounds Like:
thudding of the blood in my head
Feels Like:
thudding of the blood in my head

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