Nov. 10, 2003 - 11:31 a.m.
Clarification of Previous Entry

I guess I could add to that last entry.

The reasons why I don't want to be responsible for someone else.

I can't handle falling for someone right now. I am not physically able to go through the emotional rigors that are involved in falling for someone, loving them, being in a relationship with them.

I am too afraid.

I would love to be loved. I love to be in love. I would love to have that, but I think if I had it I wouldn't know what to do with it, and I'd probably wreck it for lack of trust.

Because I don't trust. I would just trash it. So why invite love now and ruin it instead of waiting till I'm well and embracing it?

I'm too scared, too gun-shy, too bitter, too angry and too sad to offer myself to someone fully. There's not much to offer here at all at the moment.

So I'd rather have the comfort of someone who thought I was really really really cool to hang with and things.

Or maybe just nothing at all, which really is probably the better choice.

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